I love that my best athletes can feel challenged and get benefits as well as beginning athletes. Our students look forward to the chain workouts which is refreshing.
The explosiveness that goes with these workouts very closely relates the power and quickness required in specific sports, especially baseball. The bottom line is the chains are a great core workout and provides strength and quickness especially for those who need rotational power. I look forward to adding additional chains to our program in the future!
Mike Ryan- Fastball USA

The SpeedChains® have improved my training program from warm-up preparation to game time performance.
The effect of SpeedChains® on my hitters in my training program is that they can certainly “feel” a quickened effect in their rotational movement pattern. This is due to the SpeedChains® effect of pre-stretching the muscles in the load to firing the muscle in the movement pattern from rotation to the point of contact.
Martin Rubinoff- Martin's Field of Dreams

The kids tell me that the SpeedChain® protocol is finding muscles they never knew existed–total body, but significantly in the core area.
For a quick, energetic and total-body stimulus, the speed chain is one of the most dynamic neuro-muscular exercises we do. The beauty of the training modality is it exhausts the athlete in a quick period of time. It flat gets after ’em and has become one of our top 5 explosive exercises in our training program.
Gary Hatch- WIAA Hall of Fame Inductee

If you are a serious developer of power and speed, the SpeedChains® is a must-have in your tool box in my opinion.
One of the secrets to our success is that we don’t just train the muscles…we set out to affect the neuro-muscular system. Our goal is to modify fiber recruitment, neural recruitment, and improve neuromuscular synchronization and coordination. And the number one tool we use to affect this change is the SpeedChains®.
Ron Wolforth from the Texas Baseball Ranch

I highly recommend this product line to anyone serious about training hitters to reach their max levels of efficiency.
The benefits of SpeedChains® are many and I have numbers that speak for themselves; players increased their Line Drive Consistency as well as their Power through the use of a complete testing and training program that included the SpeedChains®. I highly recommend this product line to anyone serious about training hitters to reach their max levels of efficiency.
Perry Husband- Hitting is a Guess

Please pass this note along to any coach or parent interested in the SpeedChains®: If you are thinking about purchasing the SpeedChain® products, I highly recommend that you do so.
Our players have been giving us very positive feedback since the inception of their use in our training regimen. We really like how the variety of exercises you can implement works to develop their core strength and improve the kinetic chain in their movements. And let me tell you, going all out for 6 to 8 seconds per repetition with the TorsoBurner® will flat wear you out.
Hunter Hoy- MPH101

The chains not only work agility but provide that explosive response that we as coaches look for and players want.
There are so many uses of the chains that will allow a coach with any form of a creative mind to use the chains to pinpoint important movement patterns and help that player become more explosive in that particular movement pattern. They just flat out get results…
Tim Campos
Why SpeedChains®?
Welcome to Chain Training LLC and the Home of SpeedChain® Products!
SpeedChains® are innovative training tools that revolutionize the field of high-performance training. SpeedChains® use the Dynamic Systems Theory approach to train athletes effectively for their sport, whether that sport calls for swinging, throwing, kicking, or running.
SpeedChains® are sport specific training aides for serious athletes wishing to increase their speed and maximize their power while providing a balance between overload and specificity training. Accomplished through short duration, high intensity exercises, SpeedChains® develop strength through coordination training with resistance.
What are SpeedChains® - they are custom manufactured metal chains with various styles/types of handle attachments. The initial chain links of the SpeedChain® are small and lightweight and as the chain links progress outwards away from the handle they increase in size and mass. When SpeedChains® are moved there is free-flowing variable resistance capable of matching the strength curve of the muscle group with the resistance curve of the exercise.
SpeedChains® are highly flexible training tools, providing athletic movement patterns that can be adapted to train to specific needs of desired sport movements. The SpeedChain® configuration allow exercise movements to be as fast as possible, typically six to eight seconds in length, concurrently training both eccentric and concentric movements. The faster the athlete moves the SpeedChain®, the higher the resistance that will be encountered making the SpeedChains® perfect for simultaneous speed and strength development. These basic movement patterns become the holistic building blocks for more complex, sport specific movements.
SpeedChain® movement patterns signal feedback to the athlete through their sensory modalities:
feel (chain resistance being moved) visual (seeing the chains as they move) auditory (sound made by the chains during movement) These SpeedChain® cues provide athletes information they can respond to allowing them to be more aware and adaptable to their environment, providing an excellent opportunity for self-organization and promote differential learning.
SpeedChains® feature Universal SpeedChain® Segments that are custom manufactured interchangeable chains that can be used with any SpeedChain® attachment. Available in three models:
Strong - typically appropriate for the less developed athlete, typically in intermediate and middle school X-Strong - typically used by high school and collegiate athletes Pro - appropriate for larger and more muscularly developed athletes college and beyond.
Each of the Universal SpeedChain® Segments can be further customized to fit individual athlete needs by adding up to two Stabilizer Chain Extensions:
½” Stabilizer Chain Extensions are recommended for the Strong and X-Strong Universal SpeedChain® Segments ⅝” Stabilizer Chain Extensions are recommended to be used for the X-Strong or Pro Universal SpeedChain® Segments.